While it would be difficult to choose one favorite place on the planet, Prince William Sound is definitely one beautiful place to live. My husband and I moved here three years ago when the charm of a decade's worth of 50 degree below zero winters in the interior of Alaska began to diminish. Sparked by trips to Montana and Colorado in college, is the feeling of connection I have with mountainous terrain. Though I grew up in landlocked locations in the Midwest, I've always felt the lure of the ocean and pictured living in a marine setting one day. It is amazing to live in a place like Valdez now with Prince William Sound at my doorstep and the Chugach Range in my backyard. Who knew you could hike in the alpine and then spend time on the beach with your dog all in one day?
Your principal and I are working with a lego league team in Girdwood that is exploring medical technology and how it can help those with major CNS damage. What I small state..I am finding lots of connections in our little class.